Matthew Svoboda

- Faculty Instructor
Professional Biography
Matthew Svoboda is Director of Choral Activities at Lane Community College, where he conducts the Lane Chamber Choir; teaches Music Theory, Keyboard Skills, Group Piano, Exploring Music: Introduction to Music History and related courses; and plays piano for Lane dance classes and the Faculty Jazz Ensemble.
Active as a composer and conductor, Matthew Svoboda also serves as pianist for Swing Shift Jazz Orchestra and Musicianship Instructor for the Stangeland Family Youth Choral Academy of the Oregon Bach Festival.
Previously, he served as Director of Music at Central Presbyterian Church, Assistant Conductor of the Eugene Symphony Chorus, Assistant Conductor of Oregon Festival Choirs and guest conductor for the Eugene Chamber Singers.
Svoboda earned master's degrees in Composition and Choral Conducting from the University of Oregon School of Music and Dance. He studied composition with Hal Owen, Robert Kyr and David Crumb and conducting with Richard Clark, Sharon Paul, Hirvo Sirva, and Miguel Harth-Bedoya.
As a composer, Svoboda enjoys collaborations with instrumentalists, poets, and choreographers. He has written numerous compositions for various chamber ensembles, choirs, and dancers.