Picture Adam Gabay Email GabayA@lanecc.edu Office LCC16 156B Phone (541) 463-5449 ScienceJob Title(s): Science Laboratory Coordinator
Picture Adam Gabay Email GabayA@lanecc.edu Office LCC16 156B Phone (541) 463-5449 ScienceJob Title(s): Science Laboratory Coordinator
Picture Daphne Gabrieli Email GabrieliD@lanecc.edu Office CEN 442 Phone (541) 463-5749 Language - Literature & CommunicationJob Title(s): PT Credit Instructor
Picture Daphne Gabrieli Email GabrieliD@lanecc.edu Office CEN 442 Phone (541) 463-5749 Language - Literature & CommunicationJob Title(s): PT Credit Instructor
Picture Neal Gallagher Email gallaghern@lanecc.edu Office AVMT 108 Phone (541) 463-4351 Aviation AcademyJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor
Picture Neal Gallagher Email gallaghern@lanecc.edu Office AVMT 108 Phone (541) 463-4351 Aviation AcademyJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor
Picture James Garcia Email GarciaJ@lanecc.edu Second Language Spanish Office LCC01 201B Phone (541) 463-5144 Multicultural CenterJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor
Picture James Garcia Email GarciaJ@lanecc.edu Second Language Spanish Office LCC01 201B Phone (541) 463-5144 Multicultural CenterJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor
Scott Garner Email garners@lanecc.edu Office LCC05 115A Phone (541) 463-3525 AthleticsJob Title(s): PT Credit Instructor
Scott Garner Email garners@lanecc.edu Office LCC05 115A Phone (541) 463-3525 AthleticsJob Title(s): PT Credit Instructor
Jennifer Gates Email gatesj@lanecc.edu Office LCC11 241M Phone (541) 801-7110 English as a Second LanguageJob Title(s): PT Credit InstructorPlacement Spec - CASASESL Substitute Instuctor
Jennifer Gates Email gatesj@lanecc.edu Office LCC11 241M Phone (541) 801-7110 English as a Second LanguageJob Title(s): PT Credit InstructorPlacement Spec - CASASESL Substitute Instuctor
Picture Anna Gates Tapia Email gates-tapiaa@lanecc.edu Second Language Spanish Office LCC11 245B Phone (541) 463-5515 College and Career FoundationsJob Title(s): Dean of College Career Foundations Office Hours Available!
Picture Anna Gates Tapia Email gates-tapiaa@lanecc.edu Second Language Spanish Office LCC11 245B Phone (541) 463-5515 College and Career FoundationsJob Title(s): Dean of College Career Foundations Office Hours Available!
Picture Alexandra Geddes-Osborne Email geddesa@lanecc.edu Office LCC16 190B Phone (541) 463-5050 ScienceJob Title(s): PT Credit Instructor
Picture Alexandra Geddes-Osborne Email geddesa@lanecc.edu Office LCC16 190B Phone (541) 463-5050 ScienceJob Title(s): PT Credit Instructor
Ali Gharib Email GharibA@lanecc.edu Office LCC30 229 Phone (541) 463-3297 Health ProfessionsJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor
Ali Gharib Email GharibA@lanecc.edu Office LCC30 229 Phone (541) 463-3297 Health ProfessionsJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor
Katherine Ghiselin Email ghiselink@lanecc.edu Office CEN 448C Phone (541) 463-3318 Language - Literature & CommunicationJob Title(s): PT Credit Instructor
Katherine Ghiselin Email ghiselink@lanecc.edu Office CEN 448C Phone (541) 463-3318 Language - Literature & CommunicationJob Title(s): PT Credit Instructor
Picture Sam Gibeau Email gibeaus@lanecc.edu Office LCC05 229 Phone (541) 463-5696 Health & PEJob Title(s): PT Credit InstructorFaculty Instructor-Sub & Curr
Picture Sam Gibeau Email gibeaus@lanecc.edu Office LCC05 229 Phone (541) 463-5696 Health & PEJob Title(s): PT Credit InstructorFaculty Instructor-Sub & Curr
Picture Dennis Gilbert Email gilbertd@lanecc.edu Office LCC16 239 Phone (541) 463-5049 ScienceJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor
Picture Dennis Gilbert Email gilbertd@lanecc.edu Office LCC16 239 Phone (541) 463-5049 ScienceJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor
Tawnya Gillespie Email gillespiet@lanecc.edu Office LCC30 231 Phone (541) 463-3272 Health ProfessionsJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor
Tawnya Gillespie Email gillespiet@lanecc.edu Office LCC30 231 Phone (541) 463-3272 Health ProfessionsJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor
Jill Gillett Email gillettj@lanecc.edu Office LCC19 253B Phone (541) 463-5766 Business DepartmentJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor
Jill Gillett Email gillettj@lanecc.edu Office LCC19 253B Phone (541) 463-5766 Business DepartmentJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor
Marsha Ginsberg Email GinsbergM@lanecc.edu Office CEN 438E Phone (541) 463-3389 Language - Literature & CommunicationJob Title(s): PT Credit Instructor
Marsha Ginsberg Email GinsbergM@lanecc.edu Office CEN 438E Phone (541) 463-3389 Language - Literature & CommunicationJob Title(s): PT Credit Instructor
Jean Gipple Email gipplej@lanecc.edu Student Mental Health & Wellness CenterJob Title(s): Interim Director of Counseling Services & Mental Health Wellness Center
Jean Gipple Email gipplej@lanecc.edu Student Mental Health & Wellness CenterJob Title(s): Interim Director of Counseling Services & Mental Health Wellness Center
Picture Stephen Gladfelter Email gladfelters@lanecc.edu Office LCC16 236 Phone (541) 463-5016 Mathematics and EngineeringJob Title(s): PT Credit Instructor
Picture Stephen Gladfelter Email gladfelters@lanecc.edu Office LCC16 236 Phone (541) 463-5016 Mathematics and EngineeringJob Title(s): PT Credit Instructor
Michele Gladieux Email GladieuxM@lanecc.edu Health ProfessionsJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor-Sub & CurrPT Credit Instructor
Michele Gladieux Email GladieuxM@lanecc.edu Health ProfessionsJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor-Sub & CurrPT Credit Instructor
Melodie Glimpse Email glimpsem@lanecc.edu Center for Accessible ResourcesJob Title(s): Interpreter - Hearing Impaired
Melodie Glimpse Email glimpsem@lanecc.edu Center for Accessible ResourcesJob Title(s): Interpreter - Hearing Impaired
Picture Richard Glover Email GloverR@lanecc.edu Office LCC16 174 Phone (541) 463-5514 ScienceJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor
Picture Richard Glover Email GloverR@lanecc.edu Office LCC16 174 Phone (541) 463-5514 ScienceJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor
Picture Andrea Goering Email goeringa@lanecc.edu Office LCC16 240 Phone (541) 463-5138 Office Hours Unavailable
Picture Andrea Goering Email goeringa@lanecc.edu Office LCC16 240 Phone (541) 463-5138 Office Hours Unavailable
Amanda Gomez Zeller Email fegomezzellea@lanecc.edu Second Language Spanish Academic & Tutoring Services
Amanda Gomez Zeller Email fegomezzellea@lanecc.edu Second Language Spanish Academic & Tutoring Services
Thomas Goodhew Email GoodhewT@lanecc.edu Facilities Management & Planning Job Title(s): Capital Construction Manager
Thomas Goodhew Email GoodhewT@lanecc.edu Facilities Management & Planning Job Title(s): Capital Construction Manager
Jesse Gottesman Email GottesmanJ@lanecc.edu Visual Arts Department Media ArtsJob Title(s): PT Credit Instructor
Jesse Gottesman Email GottesmanJ@lanecc.edu Visual Arts Department Media ArtsJob Title(s): PT Credit Instructor
Picture Jenn Goudreau Email goudreauj@lanecc.edu Computer Information TechnologyJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor Office Hours Unavailable
Picture Jenn Goudreau Email goudreauj@lanecc.edu Computer Information TechnologyJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor Office Hours Unavailable
Picture Andi Graham Email grahama@lanecc.edu Center for Accessible Resources Office Hours Unavailable
Picture Andi Graham Email grahama@lanecc.edu Center for Accessible Resources Office Hours Unavailable
Keri Green Email GreenK@lanecc.edu AthleticsJob Title(s): Head Women's Volleyball CoachFaculty Instructor-Sub & CurrPT Credit Instructor
Keri Green Email GreenK@lanecc.edu AthleticsJob Title(s): Head Women's Volleyball CoachFaculty Instructor-Sub & CurrPT Credit Instructor
Laura Greene Email greenel@lanecc.edu Office LCC18 127 Phone (541) 463-5665 Health ClinicJob Title(s): Health Clinic Director
Laura Greene Email greenel@lanecc.edu Office LCC18 127 Phone (541) 463-5665 Health ClinicJob Title(s): Health Clinic Director
Leslie Greer Email greerl@lanecc.edu Office LCC30 226 Phone (541) 463-5638 Health ProfessionsJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor-Sub & Curr
Leslie Greer Email greerl@lanecc.edu Office LCC30 226 Phone (541) 463-5638 Health ProfessionsJob Title(s): Faculty Instructor-Sub & Curr
Picture Laura Gregory Email GregoryL@lanecc.edu Office LCC16 156 Phone (541) 463-5478 ScienceJob Title(s): Instructional Specialist
Picture Laura Gregory Email GregoryL@lanecc.edu Office LCC16 156 Phone (541) 463-5478 ScienceJob Title(s): Instructional Specialist
Picture Amy Griffin Email GriffinA@lanecc.edu Office LCC11 220 Phone (541) 463-3415 English as a Second LanguageJob Title(s): Placement Spec - CASASFaculty Instructor
Picture Amy Griffin Email GriffinA@lanecc.edu Office LCC11 220 Phone (541) 463-3415 English as a Second LanguageJob Title(s): Placement Spec - CASASFaculty Instructor
Aneita Grogan Email grogana@lanecc.edu Office LCC03 114 Phone (541) 463-5110 Human ResourcesJob Title(s): Payroll Manager
Aneita Grogan Email grogana@lanecc.edu Office LCC03 114 Phone (541) 463-5110 Human ResourcesJob Title(s): Payroll Manager
John Groves Email grovesj@lanecc.edu Office LCC11 241L Phone (541) 463-5444 Academic Learning SkillsJob Title(s): PT Credit InstructorFaculty Instructor-Sub & CurrPlacement Spec - CASAS
John Groves Email grovesj@lanecc.edu Office LCC11 241L Phone (541) 463-5444 Academic Learning SkillsJob Title(s): PT Credit InstructorFaculty Instructor-Sub & CurrPlacement Spec - CASAS
Maria Guerrero Email guerrerom@lanecc.edu English as a Second LanguageJob Title(s): PT Credit InstructorESL Substitute Instructor
Maria Guerrero Email guerrerom@lanecc.edu English as a Second LanguageJob Title(s): PT Credit InstructorESL Substitute Instructor
Leanne Guthrie Email guthriel@lanecc.edu Office LCC03 219 Phone (541) 463-5746 VP Academic & Student Affairs OfficesJob Title(s): Project Coordinator
Leanne Guthrie Email guthriel@lanecc.edu Office LCC03 219 Phone (541) 463-5746 VP Academic & Student Affairs OfficesJob Title(s): Project Coordinator