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Michael Samano

CEN 410M
Job Title(s):
  • Faculty Instructor

Professional Biography

Ph.D. Oregon State University, Community College Leadership

M.A. University of California, Davis, Sociology

M.A. Humboldt State University, Sociology

B.A. University of Oregon, Sociology & Ethnic Studies

A.A. Lane Community College, Oregon Transfer Degree


Michael Sámano grew up in Oregon, in the communities of Eugene and Alvadore. Prior to the start of his academic career, Michael spent six years in the U.S. Navy. He served for four years on the USS Moinester, a frigate stationed in Norfolk, VA. While onboard, he made deployments in ’85, ’86, and ’87. He then spent his remaining military service assigned to a Seabee detachment out of Eugene, OR. It was at this time that Sámano began his college career. 


As a self-identified indigenous Chicano, Michael has always tried to balance traditional ways of knowing and doing, with the role expectations and worldviews found within western culture and the post secondary community. First as a student and then as a faculty member, Sámano has a long history of advocating for underrepresented student population groups. His lived experience, coupled with his family upbringing lead him to his current position as the program coordinator for Ethnic Studies at Lane Community College.


Away from campus, he is married to a strong, powerful, beautiful, indigenous, feminist Chicana. Together, they have two very precious boys. He consumes all things science fiction, is a metal head, and loves the Oregon coast.